Language Links is a reference tool for solidifying knowledge of multiple languages. It is not a teaching tool per se, but can help to strengthen recall of languages already known to some extent or currently being studied. It is further a conceptual way of organizing language learning: each word list attempts to group the most common terms used in human expression by themes common to that expression.
For each conceptually grouped list of words, each term is displayed in ten culturally significant languages. These languages include two classical (Greek and Latin), three Romance offshoots (Italian, Spanish and French), two Germanic (English and German), one Slavic (Russian), and two Asian (Chinese and Japanese). Each term is listed with its closest concept in the other nine languages, and so may occur multiple times in each list to capture different meanings.
The fun comes when selecting each language button: the current list appears sorted in that language, allowing one to see occurrences of multiple language links. The “Previous” and “Next” buttons then scroll through the list as sorted by the last selected language, showing how the terms in the selected language relate to the other languages.
The following idiosyncrasies of notation need to be mentioned: classical Greek accents are not noted, except for initial rough breathing indicated by an apostrophe. Chinese characters are traditional, and pinyin is not indicated at this time. Japanese kanji are not indicated if identical to the visible Chinese characters.